Help and Support / DAW AutoSave Changelog
v5.4.1 (64bit) - January 2024
Fixed bug that would prevent the time to save from changing when selected in the menu.
v5.4 (64bit) - January 2024
Added support for Reason and Logic Express
Minor Text Changes
Under the hood build changes to keep it working on old versions of macOS despite apples best efforts to stop me.
v5.3.1 (64bit) - January 2023
Fixed bug that would casue the scripting permissions dialog to pop up when not using a DAW.
v5.3 (64bit) - January 2023
Combined Intel 64bit and Apple Silicone builds into one version.
Improved scripting/automation permissions checking
The scripting/automation permissions dialog can now detect which version of macOS you are running and show relevant instructions
Made scripting/automation permissions dialog modular for better consistency throughout the app.
Changed menu bar icon for a successful save to a tick
v5.2 (64bit) - January 2023
Native Apple Silicone Support
Removed out of date menu items.
Removed support for the auto-updater due to unreliability with modern SSL. This will boost launch speed since the app no longer checks for updates on launch. You can still check manually in the menu.
Working to standardise 32bit/64bit intel and Apple Silicone versions to the same code base. With just the final build process being different. Updates for Intel 32bit follow.
Improvements when using modern versions of cubase.
v5.1 - May 2020
Added support for Cubase, Nuendo and Reaper.
Improved handling of versions of Pro Tools with slightly different application names.
v5.0 - January 2019
Renamed App to DAW AutoSave.
Removed registration system. The app is now free with optional donation.
New User Interface.
Re-designed Menu Bar Icon for high resolution displays and clearer status indication.
Rewrote most of the underlying code.
Added support for Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, Pro Tools First, Adobe Audition and Garageband.
Added support for macOS 10.6
Added Support for macOS 10.10 to 10.14
Separtated the app into 32Bit and 64Bit versions for better compatibility across all supported versions of macOS.
Added Support for Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 Mojave
v4.6.3 - Febuary 2015
Fixed bug that would prevent Notification Center notfications from appearing on certain versions of OS X.
Other minor bug fixes.
Updated URLs to corrispond to updated website.
Fixed issue with developer ID signing
Updated Developer ID signing for OS X 10.10
Added option to detect new DAW launches so the user can choose whether to enable auto-saves.
Added option to hide menu bar item when app is idle.
OSX 10.10 Yosemite compatibility.
Better Detection of Installed version of OS X.
Code Optimisations
Improved Registration
Improved Error Handling
Fixes a bug that would prevent the app from launching.
Added an option to Like the apps facebook page in the Share, Rate and Support menu.
Added Share, Rate and Support menu to let users help support the app.
Notification Center now only displays name of the Active DAW in the title.
Added a “Last Save Command Sent” item to the app menu. Noting when the last save was sent and which DAW it was sent to.
The menu bar icon will now turn blue when Idle on the most recent cycle.
Menu bar Icon will now swtich to gray when autosaving is paused.
Fixed a bug which would stop the pause feature from working.
Code and performace optimisations.
Fixed a bug which would stop save commands from being sent on some 10.7 and 10.8 Systems.
Bug Fixes
Fixed some minor bugs related to the name change.
AutoSave for Logic Pro and AutoSave for Soundtrack Pro have been merged into a single app. No user setup is required.
All exisiting serial numbers will work with the merged application.
Fixed bug which would prevent notifications from showing.
Added notification centre warning when the App is using the Key Command Falllback.
Added a dialog box warning should the app fail to save.
The demo mode reminder now only pops up when Logic Pro is the frontmost app.
Fixed issue on with non-english lauguage systems were app could not send a save command.
Added a fallback for when the app cant find the “File” menu on non-english launguage systems.
Code optimizations.
Fixes a bug that could stop the app from sending a save command.
Bug fixes.
Added extra serial numbers
OSX 10.9 Mavericks bug fixes
Bug fixes.
OSX 10.9 Mavericks support
Bug fixes.
Autoupdate now quits the app when the user downloads a new version
Fixed typo
Improved AutoUpdate
Fixed 10.7 Bugs
Fixed bug with about window
Improved registartion.
Fixed 10.7 Bugs
Fixed Notication Center Bugs
Fixed bug effecting serial numbers.
Fixed 10.7 Bugs
Improved Icon
Fixed bug where nothing would happen on certain systems
Now a shareware app, free to try but the app will pop up reminders to buy frequently.
Fixes bug with automatic checking of updates
Added automatic checking for updates
Changed name to AutoSave for Logic Pro to comply with Apples guidleines.
Added Pause Function
Now runs from the menu bar
Now a single app for simpler operation
Sandboxed for improved security
Developer ID and Gatekeeper Compatability.
If the user is not running Moutain Lion, the notification button is disabled.
Added a script to help users to update. This is a temporary solution.
Added button in the app to go to Notification Center Settings.
Added code to create prefs file immedialtly on first launch rather than after the set button was hit.
Switched to Notification Center for Notifications.
Fixed a bug where no defult time was present on first launch
Added Support for the Growl Popup Notifciation app (See for info)
Added Online Help
Fixed bug where app would not launch on 10.7 Systems.
Setup App now remembers previous time between saves setting.
Improved GUI to detect if the background app is running.
Now works on 32bit Macs.
Rewritten in XCode.
New GUI for the setup app
Added Icon
Adeed Error Checking
Chaned "Time between saves" setup to work in minutes instead of seconds.
Added "Quit background script" button.
Added "Launch at startup" options.
Initial release
βοΈ I'm David McKeitch, a sound recordist and sound designer based in Glasgow, Scotland with over 15 years of experience working on various styles of projects.
π¬ TMDB: View Credits
π IMDB: View Credits
π Phone: 07933423827
βοΈ Email:
π¦ Bluesky:
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π¬ @PeacheyMcKeitch