David McKeitch Sound Services Kit

Help and Support / Loads of Folders Changelog

Version 4 Changes

v4.2.1 - 18 March 2023

- Added Scottish Gaelic, French and Spanish localisation.

v4.2 - 17th May 2022

- Initial support for other languages

- Polish Translation

- Added "Send Translation Feedback" to help menu. Any feedback on translation very much appreciated! Nie potrafię dobrze mówić po polsku.

v4.1.3 - 6th January 2022

- Updated to macOS12 SDK

v4.1.2 - 10th February 2021

- Fixed Typo

v4.1.1 - 10th February 2021

- Fixed bug that could cause the leading zeros preview to display inaccurately.

v4.1 - 9th February 2021

- Padded and leading zeros settings.

- Positive and negative number settings.

- Added folder creation limit (999999 folders)

- Now autodetects if the user has switched order of start and end number.

- Improved icon squircle. (Thanks Allan!)

v4.0.2 - 6th February 2021

- UI now respects users global accent colour

- Added error checking for invalid characters

v4.0.1 - 5th February 2021

- New icon by Allan Raffel.

v4.0 - 5th February 2021

- Version 4 is a fresh start. Completely re-written in Apples modern frameworks Swift and SwiftUI for macOS11 Big Sur. Meaning faster performance and a nicer interface in the short term. And fancy new features in the long term

- Now on the Mac App Store for easy updates and access across all your Macs.

- Version 3 will continue to receive minor updates and bug fixes so users on older versions of macOS can still use it. See "Version 3 Changes" below for details.

Version 3 Changes

v3.3 - January 2023

Removed support for the auto-updater due to unreliability with modern SSL. The app should now launch quicker due to it no longer checking on startup. You can still check for updates manually from the menu.

Removed out of date links.

Added improved macOS scripting permission checking. It will now autodetect which version of macOS you are running and provide instructions accordingly.

v3.2 - 6th of January 2022

- Loads of Folders 3 is now free to use with optional donation.

- Serial number no longer required required unlock full features.

- Removed preference window, all items relocated to the help and files menus.

- Slight tweaks to the UI to address issues on older operating systems.

- Fixed issue that would cause checking for updates on older operating systems to fail.

- Added menu bar item to buy Loads of Folders 4 from the Mac App Store.

- Added menu bar item to donate to support development.

- Renamed app to Loads of Folders 3 to avoid conflicts with Loads of Folders 4.

- Native Apple Silicone Support

- Support for macOS 11+ accent colours

- Added grayed out text to make it clearer when nothing has been input into the folder creation sections.

v3.0.1 - 12 September 2019

-Minor tweaks to the new interface

v3.0 - 11 September 2019

-Redesigned User Interface

-Folder creation path is now displayed in a path bar at the bottom of your window. And will be remembered between launches.

-Rarely used controls like buy, register and others have been moved to a preferences window. Accessible with the cog button on the toolbar.

-Emoji Picker button no longer requires accessibility access and works more reliably.

-Code improvements for better reliability

-Removed Specialist Folders Feature.

-macOS 10.15 Catalina support.

Version 2 Changes

V2.6.9 - January 15 2019

-Fixed Bug that could prevent the app from launching on some systems.

v2.6.8 - January 11th 2019

-Minor Bug Fixes


- Added Menu Option with guides for checking macOS privacy permissions.


- Added privacy description for apple events access permission in macOS 10.14 Mojave

- Fixed bug that could cause the app to not function on macOS 10.14 Mojave

- Fixed bug that would stop the Emoji button from working in macOS 10.14 Mojave

2.6.5 - September 8th 2018

-Re-enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.

-Updated Developer ID Certificate

-App is now notarised via the Apple Developer Program.

2.6.4 - June 13 2018

-Added Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave

-Added Support for Dark Mode

-Enabled Hardened Runtime

-Added option to send bug report after a crash

2.6.3 - June 4th 2018

- Added Window Resizing Support for new UI


- Added Emoji Button

- Added total folders created with Loads of Folder count to the status box

- Tweaked UI

- Minor bug fixes

- Added Option to share via the Micro.Blog app.

2.6.1 - May 5th 2018

Added Folder Icons to Interface as visual indicator of resulting folders.


Fixed Typos in Dialog Boxes

2.6 - May 4th 2018

-New Registration System 

-Improved User Preferences System

-Demo Folder Limit Increased to 30

2.5.5 - May 3rd 2018

-New Icon

2.5.4 - May 2nd 2018

-Fixed bug that would cause Leading Zeros to be Calculated Incorrectly

-Added Warning if user accidentally created a negative number of folders

2.5.3 - May 2nd 2018

- Added Folder Creation Limit Alert

- Stability Improvements

2.5.2 - May 1st 2018

- Added Folder Creation Time info to Status Box

- Fixed Bug that would casue the app to crash when opening help.

- Speed Improvements

2.5.1 - April 30th 2018

-Added Specialist Folder Output to the Status Box

- Bugfixes

- Speed Improvements

v2.5 - April 30 2018

- Added a Status Box to the Main Window.

- Fixed bug that would stop custom spacers from appearing in notifications

v2.4.6 - April 30th 2018

- Added Change Notes to the Check for Update Window.

v2.4.5 - April 28th 2018

- Changed the check for update on launch behaviour from popping up a dialog to displaying a notification centre notification to make it less annoying.

v2.4.4 - April 28th 2018

- Removed Apple Developer ID temporarily.

v2.4.3 - April 28th 2018

- Modified Auto Update to work with HTTPS

v.2.4.2 - April 27th 2018

- *Experimental Feature* Added Sound Reports folder the Specialist Folder Menu.

v2.4.1 - April 27th 2018

- Bugfixes


- *Experimental Feature* Added Specialist Folder Menu to add single individual names folders with the numbered folders.

- Fixed bug that would prevent notification centre pop ups on 10.10.1

- Added Feedback and Feature Request button.


- Updated URLs to correspond to updated website.

- Fixed issue with developer ID signing


- Updated App Signing for OS X 10.9


- Added Option for adding Padded Zeros to the filename.


- Minor Interface Improvements.


- Added Support for adding Leading Zeros to filenames.


- User can now resize the window for inputting longer filenames.


- Redesigned User Interface

- Improved Folder Previews

- Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite compatability.

Version 1 Changes


- Fixes a bug that would prevent the app from launching.


- Added Share, Rate and Support menu under the help menu to let users help support the app.


- Fixed bug where the Suffix would show in the wrong place in the preview window.

- Added a spacer box before the suffix.

- Updated user interface.

- Now also compatible with 32bit Macs.


- Loads of Folders will now remember your previous folder creation settings.


- Bugfixes


- Bugfixes


- OSX 10.9 Mavericks Support

- Fixed bug which would prevent app from launching if update server was down.


- 10.7 Bugfixes

- Improved Notification Center support for 10.8

- Improved AutoUpdate


- Added Suffix and Prefix options.


- Updated interface with added folder name preview.

- Fixed a bug where a start point higher than 1 would create too many folders.


- Fixes a bug with OSX 10.7 where nothing would happen.


- Now shareware.


- Added check for update.


- Added starting number option.


- Initial release.

✏️ I'm David McKeitch, a sound recordist and sound designer based in Glasgow, Scotland with over 15 years of experience working on various styles of projects.

🎬 TMDB: View Credits

🎞 IMDB: View Credits

📞 Phone: 07933423827

✉️ Email: davidmckeitch@icloud.com

🦋 Bluesky: @social.davidmckeitch.com

🐘 Mastodon: @peachey@social.davidmckeitch.com

💬 Micro.blog: @PeacheyMcKeitch